Diabetis Mellitus

Diabetis Mellitus


What is diabetis :

The concentration of blood sugar above a particular limit is called as diabetis.

Recent guidelines suggest concentration of any sugar Fasting.Post prandial or

Random > 200 mg/dl is called as diabtis.

What are the symptoms of diabetis


Diabetis is supsected in cases of weight loss, weight gain , increased frequency of urination,

Increased thirst, itching of skin or rashes over skin, Non healing or slowly healing wounds.

Kindly note that even without these symptoms Diabetis may be there.


What causes Diabetis


In abdominal portion there is an organ called pancreas. Beta cells from pancreas secrete

An enzyme called Insulin.This insulin regulates sugar levels. Whenever there is inadequate production of insulin or when The body developes insulin resistance , the blood sugar level increases and results into  diabetis.

          Apart from this diabetis can get developed in people with overweight and sedentary

Lifestyle, stress, pregnancy can also induce diabetis.


What are the types of Diabetis

         Diabetis is classified as

       Type 1 ( also called insulin dependant ) IDDM

       Type 2 ( Non insulin dependant)

       Gestational Diabetis ( Pregnancy induced diabetis)


Diabetis has got genetic inheritance especialy in cases of IDDM

Hence family history of diabetis in close family including parents,grandparents

And siblings is important.


What are tests in Diabetis


Mainly measurement of fasting blood sugar and post prandial blood sugar is important.

Apart from blood sugar levels HBA1C is very important test in monitoring and diagnosing

Diabetis and is a test of choice nowadays.


How to test for Diabetis


Usualy the tests are advised as

Blood sugar fasting

Blood sugar post prandial


Fasting is required overnight of 10-12 hrs and Post Prandial sample is to be given between

11/2 to 2 hrs following lunch.


Hba1c is avaerage sugar of 2-3 months and can be given anytime.

No particular timing is needed to give sample of Hba1c


Insulin Fasting or post prandial

C peptide Fasting or post prandial are also important related tests needed during

Monitoring of the condition as per eveluation by treating physician.


Complications in diabetis


If remained uncontrolled or untreated diabetis affects vital syatems of the body

Mainly Eyes,Blood vessels, Nerves .Kidney.

So the risk of developing Diabetic retinopathy, Cardiovasular diseases and Neuropathies,

Renal damage increases multifold.


Prevention and care


Periodic check ups for sugar including HBA1C specialy are important.

Once diagnosed regular consumption of medication and follow up with

Treating physician is must.


In general few things are useful like

Regular exercise/Walking/Swimming

Regular meals preferably at specific timings .

Eating healthy foods like fruits,salads, geen vegetables.

Avoiding junk foods like fast foods,fried food, sweets, bakery products.


At age like 30 yrs and above preventive check up plan to be followed

At least once in a year.

Ranges for Blood Sugar

Fasting                          60-110

Post Prandial              100-150

Random                      upto 150

Urine Micral Test


Negative                       Less than 20

Positive                         More than 20


Hba1c Test


Normal                          4 to 5.6

Prediabetic                   5.7 to 6.4

Diabetic                        > 6.5


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